gouache on paper 30 x 22 cm

gouache on paper 50 x 71 cm

L'oeil du guerrier
gouache on 70 x 54 cm

Vomit de dragon
gouache on paper 30 x 22 cm

gouache on paper 30 x 22 cm

Grand Esprit
gouache on paper 45 x 30 cm

collective painting
from left to right: Maud, Fred, Kiki, Tuky, Théo, Angela
gouache on paper 30 x 132 cm
Theme: 1/3 the sea, 1/3 the earth, 1/3 the sky

lImne à Isis
gouache on paper 115 x 80 cm

Bo na ule ore Wajekol?
Gouache on paper 20 x 30 cm

La course de la Vie
gouache on paper 65 x 60 cm

Peace on Earth
gouache on paper 45 x 50 cm
dessins sur le sable calédonien
Retour aux peintures sur toile
other paintings

Drawings on the caledonian sand

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